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Case Studies

Implementation of OCEMS for sewage water quality monitoring at IIT Delhi

The OPRUSS project leverages IoT technology for advanced monitoring and analysis of effluent quality, addressing critical challenges in environmental sustainability. This case study highlights the successful implementation of the OPM series analyzers within the effluent monitoring framework at IIT Delhi, facilitated by PT Ecological Services Private Limited (PTESPL).

Overview of the IoT-Based Effluent Monitoring System
The installed Online Continuous Effluent Monitoring System (OCEMS) at the IIT Delhi campus includes the OPM series 300 Analyzer with Controller, OPM pH sensor, OPM 300 accessories, and a Remote Diagnostics unit. These IoT-enabled instruments are designed to capture real-time data from effluent discharge, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of effluent quality monitoring in various water matrices.

Project Execution and Demonstration
Following the successful installation of the OCEMS system by PTESPL, a demonstration was conducted under the guidance of IIT Delhi for their ongoing research project, “Water Security and Sustainable Development.” The OPRUSS system, through its integration with the Ecolyser software dashboard, enabled the IIT Delhi research team to monitor effluent quality in real time. The data from the system was cross-referenced with grab samples collected and tested in the laboratory.

Key Results and Validation

The analysis showed that the real-time readings generated by the OCEMS system were in reasonable agreement with the laboratory results. This validation confirmed the high accuracy of the IoT-based OPRUSS monitoring instruments, reinforcing their reliability in real-world conditions.

The success of the project was formally acknowledged by Emeritus Professor Sir A.K. Gosain of IIT Delhi, who honoured PTESPL with a Letter of Appreciation for their expert installation and the excellent services provided during the project.

Team and Acknowledgments
The key contributors from PTESPL’s Delhi team, Mr. Mohit Negi and Mr. Rohit Kumar, were instrumental in completing the project efficiently. Their commitment and expertise played a pivotal role in the successful deployment and validation of the OPRUSS monitoring system.

This achievement is a significant milestone for PTESPL and the OPRUSS project, showcasing the effectiveness of IoT-based instruments in effluent quality monitoring. The project not only supports IIT Delhi’s research on water security but also demonstrates the potential for scaling such solutions to other industries and institutions for environmental monitoring and sustainable development.