

- Solutions
- Air

This system measures weather parameters like temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, and light levels. It can continuously check these outdoor weather parameters for 24X7. with Robust and weatherproof controller and sensors this system gives Analytical valid results in realtime
Parameter | Principle | Range | Accuracy | Resolution |
Temperature | Energy gap method | -40-85°C | ±0.3°C (@25°C) | 0.1°C |
Atmospheric humidity | Capacitance method | 0-100%RH | ±3%RH (10-80%RH) When there is no condensation | 0.1%RH |
Atmospheric pressure | Piezoresistive | 500-1100hPa | ≦±0.3hPa(@25°C, 950hPa-1050hPa) | 0.1hpa |
Wind speed | Ultrasonic | 0-60m/s | ±(0.3+0.03v)m/s(≤30M/S) ±(0.3+0.05v)m/s(≥30M/S) V is the standard wind speed | 0.01m/s |
Wind direction | Ultrasonic | 0-359.9° | ±3°(wind speed<10m/s) | 0.1° |
Rainfall | Photology | 0-200mm/h | Error < 5% | 0.2mm |
Solar radiation | 0-2000W/m2 | 5% | 1W |
- Standard configuration monitoring T, RH, P, WS, WDIR, Rainfall, Illuminance, RS485 (MODBUS)
- High precision, reliable performance, suitable for outdoor weather harsh environment
- Parameter collection, optional wireless data collector, automatic data upload network platform, mobile phone client real-time data view
- Real-time monitoring of meteorological environmental data, low cost, suitable for grid distribution
- Small size, modular design, flexible layout
- Data acquisition adopts 32-bit high-speed processing chip, stable and anti-interference.
Remote diagnostic feature with connectivity through 4G SIM card, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet for real-time measurements and corrective actions based on the readings.”
- Urban environmental monitoring
- Wind power generation
- Weather monitoring
- Bridges
- Tunnels
- Ships
- Airports
- Agricultural weather
- Water management
- Power management
- Highway weather monitoring
- It does not need maintenance or on-site calibration.
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