


Advanced Real-time Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitoring System

  • Plug and play design with single cabinet for easy       installation
  • Remote utility operation and control
  • Web-based dashboard with Industry 4.0 enabled
  • Live alarms and email alert generation
  • Hybrid tank cleaning process with drain                       functionality
  • Flexible sensor installation
  • Precise and high-resolution real-time                           measurements
  • 10.2-inch display with coloured touch for real-           time data transmission & monitoring having IP65       screen display
  • Connectivity via Wi-Fi or Ethernet
  • Login access on Automatica app
  • Data sharing via API
  • Reliable and Robust operation to changing                   process and weather conditions
  • Remarkably Low Maintenance operation. Built-in       Sensor Diagnostics for smart access over sensor       performance details via Two Way communication
  • Periodical built-in Self-cleaning mechanism for           sensors
  • User-Friendly Calibration

It is the most efficient advanced water quality monitoring system for precise determination of critical water aspects.

Enabled with Industry 4.0, the system potentially overcomes water monitoring challenges, especially in India. Its plug and play ergonomic design reduces installation efforts. Also, the weather-friendly design ensures adaptability regardless of location.

OPRUSS Automatica allows remote operation access for easy utility control by diminishing distance between operator and system. Automatica plays a vital role as it smoothens the data communication, diagnostics and functions between components. Similarly, our newly introduced Hybrid cleaning tank being an important component simplifies the periodic cleansing process that results in accurate parameter measurements.

OPRUSS furnishes a fine water quality monitoring system with its application in several fields.


Field of Applications

  • Water Treatment Plants
  • Industrial Effluent Monitoring
  • Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP)
  • Sewage Water Treatment Plants
  • Surface Water Monitoring
  • Research & Development

Installation Methods

Medium Immersed

Sites with challenges like a distant medium source from the point of controller mount, this method of installation can be chosen. The analyser being constantly in contact with the medium never faces dry-off situation.


Where the sample enters and exits the system like a standard stationed measuring device. Usually avoids the Constantine medium matrix as the sample with varying quality flows through the device rather than a partially stagnant volume of medium to achieve sharp data curves.

Automatica Enabled Display

The 10.2 inch display enables real-time monitoring and controlling process. Its accessibility on desktops and laptops shortens the operational distance. Industry 4.0 standard benefits automatic transmission and operation of data.

Features of Automatica

  • Real-time monitoring & controlling
  • Automatic transmission & function
  • Remote operation enabled
  • Advanced graphical interface
  • Display customizations
  • Utility operation scheduler



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