


Sensor for measuring Suspended Solids and Turbidity 

Opruss OPM turbidity optical sensor
    •   RS485 Digital signal output
    •   Plug and play design
    •   Ultra-rigid cable for on-field use 
    •   Enabled with remote accessed calibration
    • Non-corrosive POM PEEK shell
    • Built in interference cancellation
    • Narrow bandwidth spectral scanning 
    • Advanced diagnostics enabled system 
    •  Optical method of measurement
    • Shock proof sensor aperture
    • Can be added to multi-port sensor holder
    • No chemical reagents needed for operation

Turbidity & Total Suspended Solids 

Total suspended solids (TSS) are particles that are larger than 2 microns found in the water column. Anything smaller than 2 microns which is generally average filter size is considered a dissolved solid. Most suspended solids are made up of inorganic materials, though bacteria and algae can also contribute to the total solids concentration. These solids include anything drifting or floating in the water, from sediment, silt and sand to plankton and algae. Organic particles from decomposing materials can also contribute to the TSS concentration. As algae, plants and animals decay, the decomposition process allows small organic particles to break away and enter the water column as suspended solids. Even chemical precipitates are considered a form of suspended solids. Total suspended solids are a significant factor in observing water clarity. The more solids present in the water, the less clear the water will be. Some suspended solids can settle out into sediment at the bottom of a body of water over a period of time. Heavier particles, such as gravel and sand, often settle out when they enter an area of low or no water flow. Although this settling improves water clarity, the increased silt can smother benthic organisms and eggs. The remaining particles that do not settle out are called colloidal or non-settleable solids.

Why to monitor TSS:

It is very important to monitor TSS because in addition to being a warning sign for pollution, suspended solids can harbor pathogens such as bacteria and protozoa. These microorganisms attach to the suspended particles, aiding in their transportation and hiding them from disinfectants. These pathogens can infect aquatic or human life if the sediment is not removed. High concentrations of suspended solids can cause many problems for human health and aquatic life. High TSS can block light from reaching submerged vegetation. As the amount of light passing through the water is reduced, photosynthesis slows down. Reduced rates of photosynthesis causes less dissolved oxygen to be released into the water by plants. If light is completely blocked from bottom dwelling plants, the plants will stop producing oxygen and will die. As the plants are decomposed, bacteria will use up even more oxygen from the water. High TSS can also cause an increase in surface water temperature, because the suspended particles absorb heat from sunlight. High TSS can cause problems for industrial use, because the solids may clog or scour pipes and machinery.

Opruss OPM turbidity optical sensor

Principle of measurement

  • The presence of suspended solids in a sample affects the light scattering properties (the turbidity) of the sample. In general, the amount of light scatter is proportional to the amount of SS in the sample. Therefore, if we measure the turbidity (light scattering) of the sample, then we can relate it to the TSS/SS of the sample. Electronic turbidity meters work by measuring the amount of light which is scattered at 90° by the suspended particles, however, this scattering does vary slightly with the size of the particles – large particles may be more prone to scatter light at smaller angles, while small particles will allow light to scatter at larger angles. This is why some meters state “ratio” and “non-ratio” in their specifications – they use a range of detectors to compensate for differences in the particle sizes present. When a turbidity meter is measuring with “ratio on” it will use data from several detectors and take an average, in order to correct for changes caused by this particle size difference.
Sensor key features 
  • Specially developed anti fouling aperture components reduce the ability of surface depositions, also OPM pH comes with a non-porous electrode to reduce surface depositions
  • Features a smart built in compensation of error due to temperature and potential noise
  • Outputs sensor diagnostics data to closely and continuously track field performance without the need of physical access
  • Comes with a easy plug and play design that is robust enough for industrial application


Where to monitor Turbidity:

In wastewater: TSS and Turbidity is an important water quality parameter measure for wastewater treatment operations and environmental health. Wastewater contains large quantities of suspended organic and inorganic material that must be removed through screening, filtration or settling/flotation methods prior to environmental discharge.

If TSS is not removed properly through treatment, high concentrations can lower the water quality in the receiving environment. The suspended solids absorb light, causing increased water temperature and decreased oxygen which create an unfavourable environment for aquatic life. For this reason, total suspended solids effluent levels are often regulated for wastewater treatment plants discharging to the environment.


Installation methods

Medium immersed

  • Sites with challenges like a distant medium source from the point of controller mount, this method of installation can be chosen.
  • The analyser being constantly in contact with the medium helps the analyser to never face a dry-off situation



  • Where the sample enters and exits the system like a standard stationed measuring device. Usually avoids the Constantine medium matrix as the sample with variating quality flows through the device rather than a partially stagnant volume of medium. Sample extraction accessory is required for this type

OPM Turbidity Sensor


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